My New Favorite Clothes

I am completely and utterly obsessed with the way British people dress. They perfectly combine various neutral shades and nice fabrics to create seemingly effortless and attractive ensembles. No single item seems absurd or unique to this country, but the combination of these people’s clothes fascinates me. They combine black, browns, navy, and layers in ways I never thought imaginable. I never get bored of seeing the underestimated fashions of the people who live in an area whose weather constantly changes throughout the day.

These practical and beautiful clothing choices apply to men, women, and children alike. The men tend to wear leather shoes, button downs, and cozy looking sweaters, while the women don a preppy punkish style which somehow manages to combine romantic cuts and feminine floral prints with harsh leathers, colors, and boyish fits. I love these clothes, and I would really like to spend all my food money shopping, but obviously that is not an option. Another aspect of these people’s style which amazes me is their ability to wear heels throughout the day. London involves so much walking, and I just do not know how they do that. Even more amazingly, many of these people bike! Waving in and out of traffic on a small metal object amongst aggressive double decker buses seems absurd, let alone in beautiful clothing with purses and other objects they will use throughout the day.

Something about this style seems so innate to who the British people are. They do not need to impress us with their bright and tight clothing; they’re comfortable fitting in rather than standing out. I feel like many Americans could learn from their neutral approach to presentation and feel a little more comfortable blending in rather than standing out. Interestingly enough though, there are very few items which everyone seems to wear. At Washington and Lee, everyone wears the same green Barbour jacket, but here people appear similar despite their different clothing choices. While it does not matter much, it is nice to reinterpret the clothing choices we make on a daily basis.

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